When designing the layout for my review I kept several things in mind when inserting pictures into it, such as making the pictures and text close together so they appeared linked together, or anchored.
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As you can see in my review design all of the images are placed closely to the text so they have a close proximity to one another, making it so that they are clearly linked and associated with one another, being easier to read.
You can also see that the text is aligned to the left which makes it so that the text is easy to read and absorb the information, rather than going for something bold and different by going centre or right aligned which would have made it an eyesore for a review.
When keeping optical balance in mind you can see the picture in the middle of the page is just above the middle of the page which keeps it in optical balance for that page.
Now if you look at the design from both pages you can see that there are three images that capture your attention in the middle, one being the soldier pointing the gun, but this is balanced by the image to the top right and to the right. There are also other lighter images on the pages to help balance the heavy picture out such as the image to the top left and the image in the center of the review on the second page.
When designing images for the page I wanted to go for a simplistic look which is shown in this image that I use on the top left of the page, it highlights the name of the title and what platforms the product is being released for, with a little bit of transparency on the patriarch zombie at the top so that it sticks out from the rest of the image and seems he is 'popping' out. To get this image I took the screenshot myself when actually playing the game.
To edit the image I used photoshop which allowed me to use transparency to make him stick out, I also used other features such as the gradient to make it so that it has a gradient going from red to black from the top to bottom of the image.
Another minor detail was the black border I added which has the effect of making it stick out from a page that has a white background, drawing the eye to it and the detail included in it.
This image took several different layers to achieve as the zombie is on the topmost layer making it so that it sticks out above the rest of the image, whilst the text is on another layer and the background on another layer.
This is another image I took when in-game using the spectator mode, which allows you to follow the player around and watch him battle zombies, so I took a picture of him with a grenade launcher ready to fire at some zombies.
With this image I only edited it a small amount in Photoshop Elements as it did not require much editing, though the image was incredibly dark making it hard to see exactly what was going on, so I used the brightness and contrast tool to make it a lot easier to see. I edited the image further in quark by giving it a rounded border, this way the image sticks out from the page and looks a bit more modern,